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Author Guidelines


Articles to be submitted must observe the following guidelines (APA reference):


Durkheim, E. (1895). Las reglas del método sociológico. Buenos Aires: La Pléyede.

Book Chapter:

Pizarro, C. (2016). “Trabajadores paraguayos en la producción forestal del Delta Interior del río Paraná”. En S. Aparicio y R. Benencia (Eds.), De migrantes y asentados. Trabajo estacional en el agro argentino (pp. 115-138). Buenos Aires: Fundación CICCUS.

Journal Article:

Barringer, M.N., Sumerau, J.E., y Gay, D. (2020). Generational Variation in Young Adults’ Attitudes toward Legal Abortion: Contextualizing the Role of Religion. Social Currents 7(3): 279-296.

Online Newspaper Article:

Calvo, J. (2021). “El cambio puede ser ir separados”. Diario Perfil. Available HERE.

In-text citations should include the name and year of publication:


Democracy and capitalism base their power on equality and profit, respectively (Quiroga, 2005).

“In effect, democracy and capitalism establish different systems of power, based on almost opposite values: equality and profit” (Quiroga, 2005: 157).


In greyscales with the academic table format.Example:

Table 1

Argentina. School enrolment in privately managed public schools by level of education. Years 1998-2010 (as a percentage of total school enrolement)

Year Educational Level Total
Initial Primary Secondary
2002 27,7 20,4 26,9 23,8
2003 28,1 20,6 27,0 24,0
2004 29,3 21,1 27,6 24,6
2005 30,3 22,0 27,9 25,4
2006 30,7 22,2 28,0 25,6
2007 31,0 23,0 28,2 26,0
2008 31,8 23,9 28,2 26,7
2009 32,4 24,4 28,2 27,0
2010 32,2 24,9 27,8 27,1

Source: Prepared by the authors on the basis of Statistical Yearbooks of the National Ministry of Education..

They must be numbered consecutively. (Table 1, Table 2, Table x, etc)The source must be indicated

They must be in black and white.They must be editable (not images).They must be numbered consecutively (Chart 1, Chart 2, Chart x, etc)Their source must be indicated.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The article presents a research problem (preferably expressed through a question), a tentative answer (preferably in a hypothesis format), a review of established knowledge, and/or some new contribution. The research note is a conceptual or theoretical reflection, a review of an area of study, an extended commentary on a book or debate, a report on some election, a preview on partial results of some research. If it is empirical, it presents findings and conclusions.
  • The article does not exceed 11,000 words/ research note do not exceed 6,000 words/ literature review does not exceed 1,300 words.
  • The manuscript submitted is in Word format
  • A named version as well as an anonymous version are submitted, the last one for external peer-review. In order to guarantee anonymity in the evaluation,, all references that could identify the authorship have been removed
  • The title page of the manuscript includes: (Co)Authors details: institutional affiliation, email address and ORCID ID (freely available at Declaration of interest. If there are no interests to declare then please state this: 'Declarations of interest: none' (for more information please refer to DECLARATION OF INTEREST). Any clarification regarding the article, authors, funding sources and acknowledgments.
  • The article includes an abstract of 125-130 in the language of the article as well as a translation of such abstract into English. The abstract specifies briefly the objective of the manuscript, its methodology, and the findings.The submission includes five keywords in both languages. Works originally written in English must include a Spanish translation of the abstract
  • If applicable, a link to the supporting research data, published on a publicly accessible website where appropriate, has been included


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