Partisan Think Tanks: Knowledge for Policy of Political Activism? The Case of Fundación Pensar and PRO Party in Argentina


  • Leandro Echt Politics & Ideas, Global On Think Tanks



think tanks, political parties, partisanship, evidence-informed policy making, elections


While political parties have been approached by the most classic studies of political science focused on political institutions, think tanks have been the concern of public policy studies. This paper integrates these two objects of study by analyzing the relationship between the political party Propuesta Republicana and Pensar Foundation in Argentina. The objective of this research is twofold. On the one hand, together with reflecting on the notion of partisan think tank, an actor rarely addressed by the specialized literature, the paper presents a framework to study these stakeholders, which includes four dimensions:the party system,the functions ofthe think tank, itsstrategic autonomy and its sustainability. On the other hand, using the framework, the paper studies the evolution of Pensar Foundation and the contribution to the party’s growth and victory in 2015 presidential elections.


