Asymmetric Warfare:Exploratory Study on the Non-Conventional Military Developments of the People’s Republic of China in the Period 2012 - 2018


  • Lautaro N. Rubbi Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (UADE), Instituto De Ciencias Sociales y Disciplinas Proyectuales (INSOD), Consejo Nacional De Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • Victoria Álvarez Magañini Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (UADE)
  • Lucas Nascimento Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (UADE)
  • Dana Sager Universidad Argentina De la Empresa (UADE)



People’s Republic of China, United States, Hegemonic War, Asymmetric War, Non-conventional capabilities


According to multiple analysts, a new hegemonic war is now not only possible but also very likely. Faced with growing tensions, it is important to ask how China prepares for a hypothetical confrontation with the United States, given the notable asymmetry in their conventional military capabilities. This research advances on an exploratory study on China’s development of non-conventional military capabilities between 2012 and 2017. Based on documentary sources, we investigate China’s development of new strategies and weapons, their possible impact on a hypothetical conflict between the two superpowers and the Chinese and US academics’ conception of them. (...) these new developments could give China the possibility of equating the United States in an asymmetric war, breaking the asymmetry established by its conventional military capabilities.


