Interprovincial ideological congruence of the national political coalitions


  • Diego Reynoso Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de San Andrés


Ideology, political parties, coalitions, expert judgement, provinces


The article analyses whether or not there is some degree of congruence of the national political coalitions that emerged or crystallized in Argentina circa 2015. National political supply is building around provincial politicians who might have an ideology, a style or an aversion to something in common or they are simple dispersed aggregates of personal initiatives. In order to solve this puzzle, the positions of the main provincial political leaders of each coalition in each of the 23 provinces and the CABA are estimated from an expert’s survey. The dimensions in which the provincial (and national) politicians were located are four: ideology (left-right), liberties (liberalconservative), style (high-low) and aversion (Kirchnerism-Antikirchnerismo). To put it in other words: do the provincial politicians that make up the same national political space have something in common? The answer is that both ideology and aversion (the anti-K dimension of politics) explain the integration of national coalitions from the provincial politicians.


