Pathways to Political Power: the Effect of District Magnitude and Previous Experience on the Political Careers of the Members of Congress in Colombia




political careers, district magnitude, previous experience, Colombia, legislators


As the end of a legislator’s term in Congress approaches, he or she is faced with four alternatives about his or her political career: retiring from the public arena, seeking reelection, aspiring to higher positions, or returning to the local political sphere. The present study aims to analyze the factors that contribute to the type of career choice these individuals choose to undertake, emphasizing the regressive career. We use a dataset of congress members in the House of Representatives from 1991-2014. The quantitative analysis estimates the impact of institutional and individual factors on the type of career legislators pursue. Our analysis suggests that the magnitude of the electoral district and prior experience are critical factors in shaping political careers. These findings provide important information for understanding the complexities of political representation and the challenges and opportunities faced by politicians in the region.


