Representation of Women in the House of Representatives: Institutions, Parties and Attitudes in Argentina, 1983-2023




Representation, Political institutions, Gender, House of Representatives, Argentina


The article delves into three dimensions of women’s political representation in the House of Representatives. Firstly, it examines how the interplay of institutions and contextual factors influences electoral opportunities, leveraging electoral data dating back to 1983. Next, through an analysis of candidate lists, it explores the role of political parties in nominating women. Secondly, it scrutinizes substantive aspects of representation, specifically legislators’ preferences concerning abortion legalization, based on individual interviews. Thirdly, it investigates symbolic aspects of representation, particularly voters’ attitudes towards inclusion, via an original survey with a nationally representative sample. These findings underscore the influence of party alignments on women’s representation.

Author Biography

  • Santiago Alles, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina.
    I am a quantitative political scientist. My area of research has been concentrated on comparative political institutions, making special emphasis on electoral institutions and Latin American politics.   My research has been published in peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. I am about to publish a book on the representational consequences of the ballot design, leveraging experimental and cross-sectional strategies, which shows how voting procedures shape election outcomes.   I have taught graduate and undergraduate-level classes on political science and research design at universities in the United States, Argentina, and Colombia. You can find a sample of my teaching here.   I got my Ph.D. in Political Science at Rice University, and I previously got an M.A. in Latin American Studies at the University of Salamanca.


