Cursed Buenos Aires. 2015 Electoral Outcome


  • María Matilde Ollier Universidad Nacional de San Martín


Buenos Aires’ electoral outcome in 2015, intertwining between federal and provincial politics, nested games, Kirchnerist defeat


This article explains Buenos Aires’ political and electoral process in 2015, with reference to the historical intertwining between the province and national politics (Ollier, 2010). This fact obliges the leaderships of parties and political coalitions to design nested games (Tsebelis, 1990) between the two levels. Both these factors are explored in the following four dimensions that converged in the resulting Buenos Aires elections outcome and its impact on the presidential election: 1) the unfortunate Frente para la Victoria candidate for governor, 2) the Peronist vote split between the Front for Victory and the dissident Renewal Front, 3) the incapacity of the Kirchnerist presidential candidate to carry the provincial contender (coattail effect) and 4) the cutting a ballot in favour of the Cambiemos candidate (...)


