Economía y elecciones en Argentina: las dimensiones clásica, posicional y patrimonial de la teoría del voto económico



Economic voting, valence economic voting, position economic voting, patrimonial economic voting, voting behavior


Classical economic voting theory has received considerable empirical support. Voters reward the ruling party for good times, punish it for bad. But the success of this paradigm, which views the economy voting as strictly a valence issue, has crowded out testing the other theoretical dimensions (Lewis-Beck and Nadeau 2011). After reviewing the literature on economic voting in Argentina, this conclusion also holds true for Argentina where most research has focused in valence dimension practically leaving out positional and patrimonial views. The aim of this paper is to provide a more complete picture of economic voting in Argentina through a deeper analysis of the three dimensions of Economic Voting Theory: valence, positional and patrimonial.


