La elección del presidente y los vicepresidentes de la Cámara de Diputados en Argentina (1983-2014). Un estudio de caso


  • Federico Máximo Saettone Universidad de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Argentina, Chamber of Deputies, preparatory sessions, president and vice-presidents, parliamentary and inter-parliamentary party groups


This article analyses the 31 preparatory meetings in the argentine Chamber of Deputies, in which are elected one president and three vice-presidents. The president is part of the majority Legislative Cartel, as well as the committees and the ruling party blocks leaders. The function of vicepresidents, by contrast, is to replace the president in his absence or when he resigns and to represent the minorities in the speakership. (...) between 1983-2014 years, by a plurality and a majority patterns. The first implies that the ruling party block controls the first two positions (president and first vice-president) and the first minority block the second vice-president position. The second implies that the ruling party block only controls the President position, remaining the rest for the opposition minority blocks. In this period it predominated the majority pattern, despite that the Chamber suffered an increased process of fragmentation of the oppositions blocks. 


