La consagración de las ciudadanas durante el primer peronismo: un análisis de la ley de sufragio femenino de 1947


  • Sabrina Ajmechet Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional de San Martín


Peronism, citizenship, electoral laws, woman suffrage, political conceptions


This article analyses the debate in Congress of the woman suffrage law of 1947. It is originated by the idea that women’s suffrage law must be analyzed in the context of a redefinition of politics and citizenship. By analyzing the hegemonic conception within Peronism that was used to include women in the electoral world, it becomes clear that women weren’t included in the electoral world under the same ideas used to include men in the Sáenz Peña law. This article focuses it analysis on the political conceptions expressed by the congressmen that passed the law (the peronists’, the radicals’ and the national democrats’), with the aim of understanding what idea of women and of citizens they had in mind when they voted the woman suffrage law.


