Una apoteosis de la democracia: María de los Ángeles Yannuzzi y su interpretación del Proceso de Reorganización Nacional (1976- 1983) y de la modernización neoconservadora (1989-1999)


  • Benjamín García Holgado Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella


María de los Ángeles Yannuzzi, Carl Schmitt, democracy, authoritarianism, political theory


This paper analyzes how María de los Ángeles Yannuzzi explained and interpreted Argentine political history through rigorous application of modern political theory concepts and political science theories. In particular, we study her contributions to the research agendas regarding the “Pro ceso de Reorganización Nacional” (1976-1983) and the Menem administration (1989-1999). At first, we study her theoretical and methodological contributions by the application of political theory concepts to the interpretation of political history and, specifically, to conceptualizing the last military dictatorship and the dynamics of the political system during the Menem presidency. In the second section, we show the superb way in which Yannuzzi described and explained Argentine political history from a political science point of view. In conclusion, she analyzed normatively relevant problems in a very original way, combining political science explanations with a political theory interpretation about the meaning and dynamics of authoritarianism and democracy in contemporary Argentina.


