Sistema electoral, número de partidos y tamaño del ganador en los municipios de la Provincia de Buenos Aires


  • Diego Reynoso Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de San Andrés


Electoral system, parties system, district magnitude, local politics, municipalities


This paper analyzes the impact of the electoral system on the party integration in the consejos deliberantes of the Buenos Aires Province. The sample cover 118 municipalities, which are observed in 12 consecutive elections, from 1987 to 2009 (N=1416). The article shows that the district magnitude and the size of the consejos deliberantes produce systematic effects on the number of parties and the size of the largest party. Regular patterns are observed along the time. Additionally, it finds specific effects from the midterm elections, the electoral formula and the high thresholds, and from the critical juncture as the 2001 election.


