Los espacios geográficos en la política exterior argentina: de la Revolución de Mayo al Bicentenario (1810-2010)


  • Francisco Corigliano Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Universidad de San Andrés


Argentina, foreign policy, geographical areas, link axis, compensators axis


This article seeks to explore the changing modalities of integration and interaction between Argentina and the rest of the world during the period comprised between the May Revolution and the Bicentennial. These modalities imply necessarily a selection criterion by which local government (representatives) have privileged and favor certain geographical areas of the region and the rest of the world to the detriment of others. This selection criterion has answered, and still answers, not only to material reasons, but also other factors such as proximity or remoteness, the search for security and the affinities and /or cultural differences.


