Nacionalización, comunidad cívica y coordinación electoral. Problemas para la integración del sistema político en estados democráticos multinivel


  • Marcelo Escolar Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional del Litoral


Nationalization, liberalism, multi-level state, federalism, parties


The term ‘nationalization’, which refers to the mechanisms that integrate, both vertically and horizontally, a state’s political system, has recently achieved a preeminent place in the field of subnational politics, particularly when the focus is on the party system, electoral coordination between districts, political careers, and legislative and government coalitional dynamics. This article argues that although there is a certain degree of consensus about its broader meaning, there is no such consensus when the term ‘nationalization’ is applied to federal, regionally decentralized or multinational states. In these cases it is necessary to place the focus on two theoretical issues that have generally not been taken into account. On the one hand, (a) the analogous institutional origin of national and subnational civic communities on which the idea of ‘rational consensus’ in the formation of representative democracy rests and, on the other, (b) the instrumental character of national parties as a means of endogenously justifying the coordination of the strategic interdistrict entry of political elites.


