Bicentenario: reflexiones sobre nacimiento, desarrollo y caída de un sistema político



Political system, elements, environment, mechanism, fall


The celebration of the Bicentenary is a good opportunity to reflect on the birth, development and collapse of a political system. Regarding the latter there is not considerable literature and I think that is one of the reasons for which the fundamental political changes in history, as the implosion soviet world, have taken us off guard. The General System Theory is a suitable methodology for to anticipate a possible ending. It is used here in its classic form to analyze the Argentine political system. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the system’s functional problems that have not been resolved so far. A model that consists on the description of the composition (C), environment (E), structure (S) and mechanism (M) of the system will be constructed. The mechanism is the collection of processes that occur within a system and makes it change in any way.


