Efectos del sistema electoral sobre la representación de mujeres. Argumentos y evidencia a partir del caso argentino (1983-2005)



Women, representation, electoral system, gender quotas, Argentina


In spite of the progresses seen after the Ley de Cupos, women still represent a minority in the Argentine Congress. The conventional knowledge has explained the under-representation of women from three theories: political-institutional, socio-structural or cultural. This work is based on the political one and tries to measure the effect of the electoral system on the opportunities that women had to be chosen as national representatives in the period 1983-2005. Based on a multivariate statistical analysis, this work finds out evidence that supports the main hypothesis formulated: the use of quotas, the size of the districts and the fragmentation of the party system explain the proportion of chosen women. On the contrary, the reelection of legislators does not show significant effects.


