¿Dividir para reinar? La política populista en perspectiva federal


  • Julián Melo Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Nacional de San Martín


Populism, federalism, National Territories, provinces, peronism


Beginning with a discussion about the concept of populism, this text intends to explore the ways in which the discursive logic of the first peronism resignified community political space, challenging the traditional power resorts of a federal state. By doing this, this text not only analyzes Peron’s discursive proposal but certain key dimensions of peronist political operation over the community frontiers: the 1949 Constitutional Reform, the federal interventions and the policy of provintialization developed by the peronist government beyond 1950. Our preliminary conclusion invites to think the relation between the internal homogenization of the populist identity and its way of conceiving power organization in the communitarian territory.


