¿Reprimir o incorporar? La protesta social en la agenda internacional


  • Khatchik Derghougassian Universidad de San Andrés
  • Luciana Soledad Ledesma Universidad del Salvador


Social protest, social inequities, globalization, alterglobalization, securitization


The aim of the present study is to compare repression and incorporation policies towards the different social protest expressions that reappear at the beginning of the 20th century in Latin America, from a conceptual framework that links social inequality to international security affairs. Taking into account an analytical framework about social movements about “insiders” and “outsiders”, and referring to successful experiences in bringing together non-state mobilized actors and states committed to the same causes that mobilize these actors, we state that in order to avoid repression policies as the predominant option to address social movements is necessary to conform a coalition between actors in social movements and committed states to the incorporation of social demands in the international agenda.


