Determinismo y contingencia en las interpretaciones políticas de la crisis argentina


  • Alejandro Bonvecchi Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Universidad de Buenos Aires


Argentina, 2001 crisis, institutions, federalism, parties


This article reviews the political interpretations of the 2001 crisis in Argentina produced within academia. It classifies these interpretations according to the explanatory principle they propose: institutions, actors, and their strategic interaction. It analyzes the contributions of each interpretation seeking to identify the combinations of determinism and contingency with which they craft their version of the facts. In balance, it proposes that all three types of interpretation offer deterministic visions of the crisis, in which the latter appears as a necessary outcome of the explanatory principles they invoke, rather than as a contingent event which might have occurred in some other way. The article concludes by offering an interpretive strategy that distinguishes the necessary from the contingent in the process leading to the 2001 crisis as an alternative to account for the singularity of the event.


