Políticas de educación superior en Argentina y Brasil: de los ’90 y sus continuidades


  • Adriana Chiroleu Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Public policies, Higher Education, university, Argentina, Brazil


The neoliberal reforms, developed in Higher Education during the nineties, left deep marks in the systems and in the institutional practices of the Latin American countries. Nowadays, in a democratic goverment context, and in a time dominated by the critics of the neoliberal policies, the Higher Education seems to have eluded the revision of the recent past, remaining in parameters very similar to those of the past decade. In this paper we analyze the stipulations and the characteristics of the policies that are being developed in Argentina and Brazil, emphasizing on the common traces and the singularities that they have in each national situation and outlining some hypothesis to understand the process. The Higher Education field is used as a representative case that allows us to go beyond the official rhetoric, illuminating the traces of the public administration.


