Espacio político y política del espacio. Continuidades y cambios en la concepción del espacio político en Maquiavelo y Moro



Moro, Maquiavelo, political space, state, territory, political order


The borders of the state seem to be the most accepted way of understanding how we relate with the environment. In this naturalization the political space became into state territory. They are thought as synonymous, identifying them with the borders of the materiality. The State is the clue to this explanation, although discussions about the lost of its relevance develop. However, before being a natural reference, this position was built by means of the institutionalization of taxes and administrative centralization, language, currency monopoly, legal units, and a relative indoor peace. This progressive centralization place us in front of the problem of power organization, in terms of concentration in a decision’s nucleus and its exercise on a community bigger than premodern political unit. To find this process out we will enquire the way discussed by Maquiavelo and Moro the arising of original constitution of political space that it will heritage us the main characteristics of the relation between politics and territory.


