Bicameralismo y sobre-representación en Argentina en perspectiva comparada


  • Diego Reynoso Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales


Federalism, overrepresentation, malapportionment, electoral systems, Argentina


This paper studies a widespread aspect in a number of Latin American electoral systems but eluded by the classic literature on electoral studies. It is about what in english is called malapportionment and that I will call here distric overrepresentation. This is produced when the percentage of population is different from the percentage of seats of the total of the legislative, that are under dispute in that district. In Argentina, for example, since the elections of 1993, the Province of Buenos Aires has, aproximately, 37 percent of the electoral population of the whole country but only selects 70 seats (35 in each election by halves) of a total of 257, what represents 27 percent of the seats. In this way, Buenos Aires is underrepresented in 10 percent. How has been the assignation of seats to the provinces? What criteria has been used to legitimate it? Which is the impact over the argentine party system?


