Que veinte años no es nada... Algunas reflexiones en torno a los difíciles tiempos de la democracia argentina


  • Mercedes Kerz Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de Belgrano
  • Santiago C. Leiras Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Belgrano, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa


Democracia, transición, régimen político, matriz ideológica, crítica democrática


The argentine democracy is already twenty years old. Until today has impact and importance that far October 30th of 1983, when citizens used their political rights again and could elect through universal vote and without any kind of restriction the political authorities who consequently took office. The approach to these two decades along this paper allows us to affirm that the argentine democracy is young, and may be critized, but as Guillermo O’Donnell says, inside the democracy, not for its destruction but for asking and requiring it more. The demanded solutions are inside the democracy. We may affirm that Macchiavelli’s saying we answer with more republic to the republic’s illness, transformed itself in more democracy’s demand to correct the democracy’s illness.


