La sociedad y la política, en necesidad de ideología


  • Carlos Strasser Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Crisis, deliberación, ideología política, democracia, Argentina


Nowadays there is in Argentina as well as in Latin America an extended agreement as to both the absence and the absolute need for a profound political debate; this, given the mostly disappointing balance of their evolution in the last decades —notwithstanding the recovery of democracy— and their present, truly critical condition. In this regard, the paper calls for a return to the production and discussion of general orientative (ideological) maps by social scientists and intellectuals. To this effect, it reviews the causes of the contemporary “ideological blackout”, and thereafter the very notion and usefulness of political ideology in democratic regimes, as compared to the more scientific and theoretical approaches and in the current international framework.


