Las reformas de los estados provinciales en Argentina: hacia la construcción de un esquema analítico


  • Martín Lardone Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Instituto de Estudios Políticos de París


Estado, provincias, reforma, instituciones, capacidad estatal


This paper is an overview on the existent studies on the reform of the state in Argentina and Latin America that took place during the 90. The main aim of the article is to discuss some conceptual issues on the analysis of the subnational states reform in Argentina. First, it focuses on the conceptual discussion on institutions, rational actors, institutional change and state capacity. Secondly, it makes a critical review on the existent analisis of the state reform, specialy in the issues that concern the administrative reform of the state, and the reform’s political economy. Finally, it makes a general review of the existent studies on the subnational states reform in Argentina. In this point, the article considers that despite the growing importance that these states are getting in the national political arena their reform process has not been enoughly studied yet, specialy on their political dinamic.


