Continuidades y discontinuidades tras el derrumbe político


  • Marcos Novaro Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Sistema político, Argentina, crisis de representación, peronismo, partidos políticos


This work discusses recent interpretations on the discontinuities that result from the political breakdown of December of 2001. Special attention is lent to the centrality of Peronismo, the tendencies to hegemonism and fragmentation in that force and in the political system as a whole. Also attends the forms and formulas to rule the country and political competition that result from those tendencies, subjects, as already can be notified, closely linked among them. We discuss in the first place the conflict for Peronist leadership emphasizing the elements that allow to speak of the consolidation of that party as a predominant force. Later we analyze the impact of the Peronist predominance in the other political forces and the criteries to evaluate the advances and backward movements of these ones in the last decade. And finally we consider the hypothesis of a non-disruptive and governable hegemonism as possible setting for argentine politics.


