Youth, Citizenship and Politics: Analysis of two Empirical Studies with High School Students in the AMBA Facing their First Vote (2005 and 2019)


  • Miriam Kriger Centro de Investigaciones Sociales del Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Ignacio Robba Toribio Centro de Investigaciones Sociales del Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires



Politicization, Youth, Citizenship, Argentina, Vote


We present in this paper partial results of two empirical investigations conducted in 2015 and 2019 among students of different genders and social classes from public and private high schools in the AMBA. Our purpose is to provide knowledge that contributes to the understanding of the link with citizenship and politics of young people close to voting for the first time in executive elections in two different political moments and in relation to changes in the dynamics of youth politicization in a context of political polarization. To do so, we analyze in a comparative and integrative key the following thematic axes studied in the quantitative instance of both investigations: the importance attributed to voting, trust in “politics” and “politicians,” and the valuation of citizenship practices.


