Journal ethics
Revista SAAP adheres to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Academic Publications set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (available at PUBLICATIONETHICS.ORG These principles apply to all those involved in the publication process of the journal: editors, Editorial Board, Advisory Board, authors and reviewers.
Some of the principles proposed by COPE to which SAAP Magazine is committed are the following, without prejudice to those not listed here:
- Have an editorial team, an editorial board and an advisory board committed to the proper functioning of the publication.
- Guarantee a peer review process of all the contributions that the editorial team considers pertinent to the objectives of the journal.
- Guarantee the copyright and dissemination rights of the articles published in the magazine.
- Ensure the ethical quality of the material published in the journal, identifying and preventing bad practices in scientific research.
- Ensure the biannual publication of the magazine.
- Allow free access to all the material published on the journal's website.
- Publish corrections as well as retractions and an apologies if necessary.